Having one or more card machines available to split sales in a business is currently no longer a luxury, but a necessity. For many years now, credit cards have been important business allies in all segments, from a small bakery to a large service provider.
Despite the various credit card machine options available today, it was not always so, and having this payment option in a company was much more expensive and bureaucratic than it is now.
A company's business can be much more profitable if there is a balanced partnership with your card machine company, and believe me, the cheapest machine is not always the best option, so look for all useful information before buying your machine. This is because companies offer different types of plans, some with higher rates and cheaper equipment, others with the opposite, more expensive equipment and cheaper rates.
Each entrepreneur needs to understand their business and the behavior of their consumers to make the best choice of machine and rate plan to sell well and pay in installments for the best cost-benefit.
Discover 5 benefits that card machines offer to businesses
1. Attract more customers
Having a credit card is no longer as difficult as it was years ago. Banking institutions and some stores understood the changes in the market and started to offer many more options to their account holders and customers, such as credit cards with additional benefits, reduced annuity, cacheback, discounts with partners and other advantages.
With this new reality, more people have a credit card, which also increases consumption. So, if your business has the card machine, your chances of closing deals increase a lot.
2. Less risk of default
Before the easiness of acquiring a card machine appeared, the sales options for some segments such as stores and services were the booklet with its own installment plan, post-dated checks and term slips. However, these options brought a negative rate for companies, even causing their bankruptcy: default.
When you have your sales in installments concentrated on the option with credit cards, your default simply does not exist, and the risk of having losses or even breaking for this reason is reduced to zero.
3. Anticipate your income from installment sales
By establishing a good partnership with the company that manages your machines, you will be able to choose between different ways of receiving, the one that helps your business the most. One of them is the anticipation to always receive on time, or within a day. This modality has higher rates, however, depending on the segment, it is totally possible to dilute this cost in its final price.
4. Collections in your store or at home
Mainly in businesses with delivery or service provision at the customer's location, the card machine is essential to facilitate billing, as it is portable and works with mobile networks (3G, 4G, 5G) and also on Wi-Fi networks.
Some segments need card machines even more, such as pharmacies, snack bars, restaurants with food delivery and other stores with tele-delivery service.Home service providers such as painters, bricklayers, gardeners andplumbing companiesalso benefit from this equipment.
5. Always stay up to date on current payment methods
When you are equipped with card machines and a new payment method appears, such as PIX or a new card brand, for example, this function can be included in your equipment's software, increasing your sales options even more.These improvements in your machine can be important in increasing your revenue and consequently in the growth of your company.
How to choose a good card machine?
Some important information can be taken into account when purchasing a card machine.To get the most out of this investment, take into account the characteristics below:
equipment price
Available receiving plans
Available rate plans
Machine warranty
Resources offered by the equipment (printed receipt, connection networks, approximation, etc.)
Management company credibility
Final considerations
To learn more, get to know the best card machines by searching for information on the internet or with people you know to learn more about the advantages of one or more companies. As there are numerous options, the more you research, the better the partnership you will close.
This text was originally produced by the Zohaantechmaster team .