Financial pending: what is it, how to consult and solve it?
Financial pending: what is it, how to consult and solve it?
If you own a business or work in commerce, it is quite likely that you have already dealt with default by some customers.
Still, payment is one of the biggest problems that companies and other businesses face daily and that is responsible for directly affecting cash, as well as the growth prospects of your business.In addition, having a financial pending can also be quite embarrassing for the person who owes it.This is because she gathers several debts and suffers from high amounts charged in relation to interest.
In this case, people can count on an excellent tool created precisely to assist in this type of situation, so that interested parties can consult and even solve problems related to their financial pending.
This tool was created by Serasa Experian and can be an excellent option to help get around this type of situation, in order to help with consultations and payments of pending financial matters.
In this case, interested parties can use Pefin.This feature aims to make the collection and pending policy simpler and more practical.In the text below, we will talk a little more about her and everything she can offer.So keep reading to find out more.
Therefore, PEFIN is a service provided by Serasa to settle debts and increase outstanding debts in various sectors of the economy, such as industry, services, retail, etc.Therefore, any unpaid debt in one of the mentioned sectors can generate the consumer's enrollment in credit protection services such as PEFIN.
In it, companies can consult and enter information about the company's personal and financial pending issues.The tool facilitates communication between companies and debtors by sending letters.
The debtor receives this letter with information about the debt and instructions on how to repay the debt.The letter may be accompanied by slips with an update of the debt amount or suggestion of possible discounts, which must be resolved within 5 to 10 days.If payment is not made within that period, information about the debt is available on Serasa's database and can be accessed by various institutions.
If you have any pending issues in the Pefin tool, this means that it is possible that you have some outstanding debts, whether in service providers, retail or any other.
In this way, this debt is recorded in this tool and all information about the debtor is made available so that other companies can carry out the consultation.
Therefore, the company that is looking to find out if that customer has some kind of financial pending before doing business with him or even providing a loan, can use the Pefin tool and find out.
This consultation can be done by any company and use the internet to carry out the procedure, through a database created by the company Serasa Experian.For this, it is necessary to inform the CNPJ or CPF of the person who wants to carry out the consultation.By doing so, all debts and pending issues listed under that person's name will be reported to the user.
How to pay the financial debt?
The company will send the debtor a letter with information about the debt settlement, or even a money order.Customers must follow the instructions in this document to make payments.If the customer receives a letter notifying a debt on their behalf, be sure to pay within the timeframe specified in the document.Along with this letter, the company usually sends a slip to pay off the debt within 5 to 10 days.Serasa also offers other types of renegotiations such asnegotiating the Casas Bahia card, which can take place between the customer and the company.
Therefore, it is important to take advantage of opportunities to pay off debt through rebate programs, trade fairs, and other advice.
The Consumer Protection Act (CDC) protects you from the risks and restrictions associated with debt collection.According to art.42 of the CDC, companies must make sure that delinquent consumers are not mocked, threatened or embarrassed in any way when collecting debts.According to the provisions that were mentioned above, it is of paramount importance that the company complies with everything that has been established, as well as that customers are aware of their company's obligations regarding debt settlement.
What is the difference between debt protest and financial pending?
The two institutes can confuse the minds of people who do not have so much knowledge about the protest of debts of pending financial. However, it should be noted that there are differences between them, albeit brief. Initially, we have that the protest of debts is an act performed in a notary's office.
The main objective behind this protest is precisely to register the debt of a customer, whether it is a legal entity or an individual.
In this way, the creditor makes that debt public and, in addition to collecting this debt, he can also provide additional protection for this creditor. before starting the process of registering this debt, the company the entrepreneur needs to analyze all the information he will need to carry out the protest.
After making one, he can go to the registry office in his city and make the request for the title protest.
The values referring to this act may vary according to the registry office and the chosen region. As for the financial pending, we have that the entire procedure of inclusion of this debt is done using the internet.
Therefore, the creditor does not need to go to the registry office to register the customer's debt. Therefore, the only difference between these two institutes is that one of them is done in person at the registry office and the other is done using the internet.